Creation of Value in the Agricultural Organizations of Guasave, Sinaloa (Mexico) Through their Sustainable Practices
Sustainable practices, value creation, agricultural organizations, environmental strategies, intangible assetsAbstract
The implementation of Sustainable Development in companies through practices and strategies is a great opportunity for them to create value while giving them a competitive advantage. That is why the objective of this article is to analyze the correlation that exists between the sustainable practices carried out by agricultural organizations and their contribution to the creation of value. The approach used was quantitative, using the survey as an instrument for data collection, which was validated through expert judgment and the Cronbach's alpha reliability test; The study population was 32 agricultural companies in the municipality of Guasave that register more than 6 permanent jobs. The results identified the main sustainable practices that create value, stating that those that emanate from the environmental dimension are those that contribute to increasing profitability and maintaining stronger value chains.
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