The quality perceived of the service. An analysis of airport infrastructures


  • Claudia María Giraldo-Velásquez Colegio Mayor de Antioquia
  • Tatiana Andrea Muñoz-Vélez Colegio Mayor de Antioquia
  • Amanda Stella Valderrama Colegio Mayor de Antioquia
  • Sandra Zapata-Aguirre Universidad de la República



perceived quality, service, satisfaction, consumer behavior, airports, tourism


The perceptions of customers regardingtheir service experiencesare keyelements for the successof any organization andairport infrastructures, as anyother service provider, are no exception. Thisarticle reflects, fromoriginal sources,about how,despitepassenger satisfactionisan important indicator ofperformancein the fieldof airport management, quality of serviceperceivedbypassengershas been neglectedbylong time. Starting from theanalysis of the importanceof this kind of infrastructureforthe development of airtransport and tourism, we proceed to describe the interactionof passengers withthe elements associated withthe quality of serviceand satisfaction. It also highlights the main results found in the related literature. The implications and future research perspectives are described in the concluding reflections.


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How to Cite

Giraldo-Velásquez, C. M., Muñoz-Vélez, T. A., Valderrama, A. S., & Zapata-Aguirre, S. (2016). The quality perceived of the service. An analysis of airport infrastructures. Dimensión Empresarial, 15(1), 217 - 226.

