Encuentros 2024-06-04T00:00:00+00:00 David Jerónimo Luquetta-Cediel Open Journal Systems <p><strong>Encuentros</strong> es una revista científica, interdisciplinar y multicultural. Reconocida por su producción crítica e intelectual en torno a las ciencias sociales y humanas. La revista posee una evaluación de doble ciego y proporciona un acceso abierto a su contenido, basado en el principio de que ofrecer al público un acceso libre a las investigaciones ayuda a un mayor intercambio global del conocimiento.</p> <p>Encuentros is a journal for the dissemination of knowledge and scientific information, by means of which participating scholars in social and human sciences contribute to building and spreading of new knowledge in the areas of communication, education, culture, and technology. This knowledge is the result of research, theoretical reflections, critical reviews, and academic endeavors.</p> <p><strong>REVISTA ENCUENTROS. <a title="CONVOCATORIA 2022-02 DE JULIO-DICIEMBRE" href="">CONVOCATORIA 2024-02 DE JULIO-DICIEMBRE</a></strong><strong><br /></strong></p> <p><strong> </strong></p> Editorial 2024-04-04T21:37:16+00:00 Diógenes Rosero-Durango <p>Editorial</p> 2024-06-18T00:00:00+00:00 Derechos de autor 2024 David J. Luquetta Cediel Political Science Education in the Digital Age: Perspectives for Higher Education 2023-12-15T14:15:06+00:00 Alejandro Blanco-Zúñiga <p>This paper starts from the task of finding pedagogical circuits that contribute to the improvement and innovation of pedagogical conditions that appeal to the latent potential of students. The question that serves as a beacon is: How are recent waves of change in the political and university arena shaping pedagogical strategies in political science, and what innovations could trigger an optimization of student training? Within this journey, the analysis flows into several estuaries: the current trends in political science education, the challenges that stand as hills in its university teaching, and the seismogram of technological innovations in political science pedagogy. At the same time, pedagogical strategies are outlined, and research tools are proposed as cartographies for political science education. In a last section, the knot of the political science curriculum in higher education is unraveled under the guidance of a qualitative methodology.</p> 2024-06-18T00:00:00+00:00 Derechos de autor 2024 Dr. Alejandro Blanco Governance and school performance in Colombia: A subnational look from the new institutional economy 2023-09-30T13:53:31+00:00 David J. Luquetta Cediel Marco Ariza-Dau Gustavo Rodríguez-Albor José L. Ramos-Ruíz <p>The article examines from a contractual logic the problems of quality and equity of education in the Colombian educational system, within a subnational context. The study applies a mixed and sequential approach considering the transaction and its attributes as the basic unit of analysis. The findings suggest that more autonomous educational systems are associated with better performance and indicate that the risks of inequity in performance are greater when the organization mode of the educational system has greater autonomy.</p> 2024-06-18T00:00:00+00:00 Derechos de autor 2024 David J. Luquetta Cediel, Dr. Marco Ariza, Dr. Gustavo Rodríguez-Albor, Dr. José L. Ramos-Ruíz Self-control and academic performance. A comprehensive review and empirical study 2023-10-30T20:24:09+00:00 David Álvarez-Maldonado Nicolás Barrientos-Oradini Mauricio Araneda-Reyes Carlos Aparicio-Puentes Fabián Cofré-Sandoval <p>Self-control, a pivotal determinant in the regulation of human behavior, has consistently demonstrated a strong association with a plethora of advantages, particularly notable in the context of academic accomplishments. This scholarly article presents a comprehensive literature review that delves deeply into the multifaceted construct of self-control, shedding light on its intricate psychological underpinnings. Furthermore, it offers an extensive descriptive study with the principal objective of scrutinizing the interrelationship between self-control and academic performance, as assessed by academic grades, within a carefully selected sample of 161 students pursuing degrees in business engineering. The evaluation hinges on the deployment of the Abbreviated Self-Control Scale. The research findings divulge a moderately robust and positively significant correlation between these key variables, characterized by a Spearman's rₛ coefficient of 0.317, signifying statistical significance at a 99% confidence level. These outcomes undeniably substantiate a meaningful connection between self-control and academic performance, thereby contributing to an enhanced understanding of the profound impact of self-control on academic success. This study constitutes a valuable addition to the existing body of knowledge and paves the way for future research endeavors within this domain.</p> 2024-06-18T00:00:00+00:00 Derechos de autor 2024 David Álvarez-Maldonado, Dr. Barrientos-Oradini, Dr. Araneda-Reyes, Dr. Aparicio-Puentes, Dr. Cofré-Sadoval Knowledge management in the construction of peace in territories made up of Groups of Special Constitutional Attention in Colombia 2023-10-23T19:45:36+00:00 Lady Suárez-Carvajal Luis R. Navarro-Díaz Andrea Aguilar-Barreto <p>The article focuses on a theoretical reflection on Knowledge Management in the construction of peace from a Human Rights perspective in Constitutional Attention Groups in Colombia. The relationship and dynamic interaction of the Knowledge Management, peace and Constitutional Care Groups categories is proposed through the redefinition of social processes and interactions from the conception of territory. Among the results, it was possible to show that Knowledge Management becomes a powerful process for the recognition of community knowledge, dialogue with different cosmologies and the generation of new knowledge with the possibility of incidence and social transformation.</p> 2024-06-18T00:00:00+00:00 Derechos de autor 2024 Lady Suárez-Carvajal, Dr. Luis Navarro-Díaz, Dra. Andrea Aguilar-Barreto Tragedy, Logic, and Action in Hegel’s Outlines of the Philosophy of Right 2023-09-29T17:29:30+00:00 John Rojas-Castillo <p>The text examines the interconnection between tragedy, logic, and action in Hegel's works, notably in "Outlines of the Philosophy of Right." Hegel correlates tragedy with negativity and reconciliation, influenced by ancient tragedy and Christian consciousness. Tragedy serves as a means for self-knowledge, where negativity and death are pivotal in unveiling the spirit’s truth. Hegel’s philosophy is enriched by the works of Aeschylus and Sophocles, depicting the ethical crisis in Athens and the ensuing reconciliation of opposing ethical forces. Hegel identifies tragic elements in Christianity, a religion that perceives death and contradiction not as endpoints but transitional phases in reality. Christian religious consciousness, marked by finitude and sin, seeks reconciliation between the mutable and immutable. Hegel’s practical philosophy is grounded in a distinctive ontological logic, with dialectics as a core element, not a function of subjective thinking but the animating essence of matter. The focus of the article is Hegel’s stance on the manifestation and reconciliation of freedom, assessing the relationship between individual will and universal practical law. He critiques the limited legal perspective of individual freedom, advocating for a deeper, ethical interpretation of freedom. This view is distanced from common sense and consensus and rooted in speculative understanding developed through scientific and philosophical methods.</p> 2024-06-18T00:00:00+00:00 Derechos de autor 2024 John Rojas-Castillo A dilemma of gas flaring and venting regulation in Colombia 2023-12-15T14:12:16+00:00 Andrea Alarcón-Peña Iván Vargas-Chaves José López-Oliva <p>The paper studies the problems brought about by Resolution 40066 of 2022 of the Ministry of Mines and Energy of Colombia, regarding the new requirements it sets up for the flaring and venting of natural gas in Colombia. These requirements, which must be followed by the investing companies, imply an investment in infrastructure and technology that may imply a contractual imbalance and a negative impact on foreign investors. From a documentary analysis method with a systematic and deductive approach, the authors analyze the problematic scenario posed by the resolution and concludes that it is necessary to find a balance between the two legal interests at stake: the environment and free enterprise. As a result, the paper supplies a comprehensive and integrative view of the State's obligation to protect the environment, but also to ensure a stable and predictable legal framework for investments.</p> 2024-06-18T00:00:00+00:00 Derechos de autor 2024 Andrea Alarcón-Peña, Iván Vargas-Chaves, José López-Oliva The impact of funding for public state universities in Mexico on the quality of education 2023-11-20T15:06:32+00:00 Francisco Ganga-Contreras Gabriela Baltodano-García Oswaldo Leyva-Cordero <p>This research aims to centrally analyze the impact of state and federal public funding allocated to public state higher education institutions in Mexico on the performance of scientific research. Through the review of previous studies, international indicators, and government official data, a database of indicators was created for comparison and correlation. The findings presented highlight the importance of allocating adequate resources and contribute to the understanding of how funding can influence performance in scientific research, innovation, social impact, and, consequently, the continuous improvement of the quality of education in the universities under analysis. Finally, it provides recommendations to strengthen this link for the benefit of students and society.</p> 2024-06-18T00:00:00+00:00 Derechos de autor 2024 Gabriela Baltodano-García , Dr. Leyva-Cordero, Dr. Ganga-Contreras